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as_date_ecotox() experimental
Values represented by ECOTOX character to dates
as_numeric_ecotox() experimental
Values represented by ECOTOX character to numeric
as_unit_ecotox() experimental
Text from the ECOTOX database to mixed_units
build_ecotox_sqlite() stable
Build an SQLite database from zip archived tables downloaded from EPA website
cas() is.cas() as.cas() `[[`(<cas>) `[`(<cas>) `[[<-`(<cas>) `[<-`(<cas>) format(<cas>) as.character(<cas>) show.cas() print(<cas>) as.list(<cas>) as.double(<cas>) as.integer(<cas>) c(<cas>)<cas>) stable
Functions for handling chemical abstract service (CAS) registry numbers
check_ecotox_availability() stable
Check whether a ECOTOX database exists locally
check_ecotox_build() stable
Check the locally build database for validity
check_ecotox_version() stable
Check if the locally build database is up to date
cite_ecotox() stable
Cite the downloaded copy of the ECOTOX database
dbConnectEcotox() dbDisconnectEcotox() stable
Open or close a connection to the local ECOTOX database
download_ecotox_data() stable
Download and extract ECOTOX database files and compose database
get_ecotox_info() stable
Get information on the local ECOTOX database when available
get_ecotox_url() stable
Get ECOTOX download URL from EPA website
get_ecotox_sqlite_file() get_ecotox_path() stable
The local path to the ECOTOX database (directory or sqlite file)
list_ecotox_fields() stable
List the field names that are available from the ECOTOX database
Convert mixed units to a specific unit
process_ecotox_dates() experimental
Process ECOTOX search results by converting character to dates where relevant
process_ecotox_numerics() experimental
Process ECOTOX search results by converting character to numeric where relevant
process_ecotox_units() experimental
Process ECOTOX search results by converting character to units where relevant
search_ecotox() search_ecotox_lazy() search_query_ecotox() stable
Search and retrieve toxicity records from the database
websearch_ecotox() list_ecotox_web_fields() experimental
Search and retrieve toxicity records from the online database
websearch_comptox() experimental
Search and retrieve substance information from