ECOTOXr v1.1.1.0007
- Added data sanitisers
- Expanded the documentation with vignettes
- Fixed check upon attach
- Correction in database specifications
- Improved test coverage
ECOTOXr v1.1.1
CRAN release: 2024-09-20
- Added
generated website - Updated documentation
- Updated database specifications for 2024-09-12 release of ECOTOX
ECOTOXr v1.0.9
CRAN release: 2024-01-08
- switched from the ‘magrittr’ pipe operator (‘%>%’) to R’s native pipe operator (‘|>’)
- switched from ‘httr’ to ‘httr2’ dependency
- Added functions to check the local build and its version
- Fix in database build routine
- Fix in manual to pass CRAN checks
- Explicit mentioning of required versions of dependencies
ECOTOXr v1.0.5
CRAN release: 2023-10-09
Added verify_ssl argument to online functions in order to make it easier to try and avert failing certificate checks.
Minor fix in CAS handlers
ECOTOXr v1.0.2
CRAN release: 2023-06-18
Fixes for 2023 June release of the database:
Handling of new fields and tables introduced in the new release.
Better handler unintended line-feed characters in source material, when building SQLite file.
When table primary key is not unique, update table with latest occurrence of the key. This is also reported to EPA.
Keeping track of missing tables and fields, and occurrence of unexpected fields while building. These are added to the build log file.
ECOTOXr v1.0.1
CRAN release: 2023-01-08
Experimental features for online searching of ECOTOX and CompTox
Switched to roxygen2md for documentation and markdown format for NEWS
Added life-cycle badges
Some minor fixes in the SQLite building routine after the December 2022 release of ECOTOX
ECOTOXr v0.2.0
CRAN release: 2022-11-17
Major changes:
- Modified searching routines to make advantage of the sql parser and optimisers implemented in the package ‘dplyr’. Performance (i.e. speed) of the search routines have improved considerably.
- Added support for handling Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) numbers.
Several minor adjustments and corrections to code and manual. These include fixes to address notes from CRAN checks.