Searching the local database
Obviously, searching the local database is only possible after the
download and build is ready (see ?download_ecotox_data
). Once built, it can be queried with
Search the local database for tests of water flea Daphnia magna exposed to benzene
latin_name = list(terms = "Daphnia magna", method = "exact"),
chemical_name = list(terms = "benzene", method = "exact")
Three ways of querying the local database
Let’s have a look at 3 different approaches for retrieving a specific
record from the local database, using the unique identifier
. The first option is to use the build in
function. It uses simple R
syntax and allows you to search and collect any field from any table in
the database. Furthermore, all requested output fields are automatically
joined to the result without the end-user needing to know much about the
database structure.
Using the prefab function
packaged byECOTOXr
result_id = list(terms = "401386", method = "exact")
as_data_frame = F
The approach shown above is provided for the user’s convenience.
However, it is a relatively blunt instrument. It’s a hammer, which is
fine when you have nails, but less effective when you have screws. In
most cases it is more efficient to create a custom query for you
specific needs. In those cases you can use two different strategies,
involving either tidyverse
verbs or the simple query
language (SQL).
If you like to use dplyr
verbs, you
are in luck. SQLite database can be approached using dplyr
verbs. This approach will only return information from the
table. The end-user will have to join other
information (like test species and test substance) manually. This does
require knowledge of the database structure (see
con <- dbConnectEcotox()
dplyr::tbl(con, "results") |>
dplyr::filter(result_id == "401386") |>
If you prefer working using SQL
directly, that is fine
too. The RSQLite
package allows you to get queries using SQL
statements. The
result is identical to that of the previous approach. Here too the
end-user needs knowledge of the database structure in order to join
additional data. For more details see
, it shows the database structure
and provides clues on how to construct custom queries with
dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM results WHERE result_id='401386'") |>
All three approaches shown above generate identical results. Although, the first has additional information joined automatically.
Searching the online database
You can also use the package to search using the online webform:
search_fields <-
txAdvancedSpecEntries = "daphnia magna",
txAdvancedChemicalEntries = "benzene",
search_results <- websearch_ecotox(search_fields, verify_ssl = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 56 × 87
#> `CAS Number` `Chemical Name` `Chemical Grade` `Chemical Analysis`
#> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 71432 Benzene NA NA
#> 2 71432 Benzene NA NA
#> 3 71432 Benzene NA Unmeasured
#> 4 71432 Benzene NA Unmeasured
#> 5 71432 Benzene NA Unmeasured
#> 6 71432 Benzene NA Unmeasured
#> 7 71432 Benzene NA Unmeasured
#> 8 71432 Benzene NA Measured
#> 9 71432 Benzene NA Unmeasured
#> 10 71432 Benzene NA Unmeasured
#> # ℹ 46 more rows
#> # ℹ 83 more variables: `Chemical Purity Mean Op` <chr>,
#> # `Chemical Purity Mean(%)` <dbl>, `Chemical Purity Min Op` <lgl>,
#> # `Chemical Purity Min(%)` <lgl>, `Chemical Purity Max Op` <lgl>,
#> # `Chemical Purity Max(%)` <lgl>, `Species Scientific Name` <chr>,
#> # `Species Common Name` <chr>, `Species Group` <chr>,
#> # `Organism Lifestage` <chr>, `Organism Age Mean Op` <chr>, …
When aiming for reproducibility it is better to query the local
database, as the online tool may not be able to search and export all
fields; data may change and is beyond your control; and it is processed
on the server which forms a black box. See also