[Experimental] Functions to convert ICES rectangles







A character vector containing valid ICES rectangle codes


A csquares object, or an object that can be coerced with as_csquares().


In case of ices_centroids a sf::st_sf() object is returned, with POINT geometries representing the centroids of the ICES rectangles.

In case of ices_rectangles a sf::st_sf() object is returned, with POLYGON geometries representing the outline of the ICES rectangles.

In case of ices_to_csquares a csquares object inheriting from sf::st_sf() is returned, the csquares code should represent the ICES rectangles.

In case of ices_from_csquares a character vector is returned with ICES rectangle codes that correspond with the csquares. The method is fast yet crude: it only checks in which ICES rectangles the centroids of the csquares are located. It does not check if the resolution matches. NA values are returned when csquares are situated outside the area covered by ICES rectangles.


Pepijn de Vries


ices_rects <-
  c("31F21", "31F22", "31F23", "31F24", "31F25", "31F26", "31F27", "31F28", "31F29",
    "32F2", "33F2", "34F2", "35F2",
    "31F3", "32F3", "33F3", "34F3", "35F3",
    "31F4", "32F4", "33F4", "34F4", "35F4")
#> Simple feature collection with 23 features and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 2.166667 ymin: 51.08333 xmax: 4.5 ymax: 53.25
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#>     ICES subrect                  geometry
#> 1  31F21    TRUE POINT (2.166667 51.41667)
#> 2  31F22    TRUE    POINT (2.166667 51.25)
#> 3  31F23    TRUE POINT (2.166667 51.08333)
#> 4  31F24    TRUE      POINT (2.5 51.41667)
#> 5  31F25    TRUE         POINT (2.5 51.25)
#> 6  31F26    TRUE      POINT (2.5 51.08333)
#> 7  31F27    TRUE POINT (2.833333 51.41667)
#> 8  31F28    TRUE    POINT (2.833333 51.25)
#> 9  31F29    TRUE POINT (2.833333 51.08333)
#> 10  32F2   FALSE         POINT (2.5 51.75)
#> Simple feature collection with 23 features and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: POLYGON
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 2 ymin: 51 xmax: 5 ymax: 53.5
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#>     ICES subrect                       geometry
#> 1  31F21    TRUE POLYGON ((2 51.33333, 2 51....
#> 2  31F22    TRUE POLYGON ((2 51.16667, 2 51....
#> 3  31F23    TRUE POLYGON ((2 51, 2 51.16667,...
#> 4  31F24    TRUE POLYGON ((2.333333 51.33333...
#> 5  31F25    TRUE POLYGON ((2.333333 51.16667...
#> 6  31F26    TRUE POLYGON ((2.333333 51, 2.33...
#> 7  31F27    TRUE POLYGON ((2.666667 51.33333...
#> 8  31F28    TRUE POLYGON ((2.666667 51.16667...
#> 9  31F29    TRUE POLYGON ((2.666667 51, 2.66...
#> 10  32F2   FALSE POLYGON ((2 51.5, 2 52, 3 5...
ices_csq <- ices_to_csquares(ices_rects)
#> Warning: Input contains ICES subrectangles which are incompatible with csquares.
#>  [1] NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     "32F2"
#> [11] "33F2" "34F2" "35F2" "31F3" "32F3" "33F3" "34F3" "35F3" "31F4" "32F4"
#> [21] "33F4" "34F4" "35F4"