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cms_cite_product() stable
How to cite a Copernicus marine product
cms_download_subset() stable
Subset and download a specific marine product from Copernicus
cms_login() stable
Contact Copernicus Marine login page
cms_product_details() stable
Obtain details for a specific Copernicus marine product
cms_product_metadata() stable
Obtain meta data for a specific Copernicus marine product
cms_product_services() deprecated
Obtain available services for a specific Copernicus marine product
cms_products_list() stable
List products available from
cms_download_stac() cms_list_stac_files() cms_stac_properties() stable
List and get STAC files for a Copernicus marine product
cms_wmts_details() addCmsWMTSTiles() cms_wmts_get_capabilities() stable
Obtain a WMTS entry for specific Copernicus marine products and add to a leaflet map