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[Stable] Collect a list of products and some brief descriptions for marine products available from Copernicus


cms_products_list(..., info_type = c("list", "meta"))



Allows you to pass (search) query parameters to apply to the list. When omitted, the full list of products is returned.


One of "list" (default) or "meta". "list" returns the actual list whereas "meta" returns meta information for the executed query (e.g. number of hits).


Returns a tibble of products available from or a named list when info_type = "meta". Returns NULL in case on-line services are unavailable.


Pepijn de Vries


# \donttest{
#> # A tibble: 277 × 17
#>    product_id    title thumbnailUrl sources processingLevel areas  geoResolution
#>    <chr>         <chr> <chr>        <list>  <chr>           <list> <list>       
#>  1 GLOBAL_ANALY… Glob… https://mdl… <list>  Level 4         <list> <named list> 
#>  2 GLOBAL_ANALY… Glob… https://mdl… <list>  Level 4         <list> <named list> 
#>  3 GLOBAL_ANALY… Glob… https://mdl… <list>  Level 4         <list> <named list> 
#>  4 GLOBAL_MULTI… Glob… https://mdl… <list>  Level 4         <list> <named list> 
#>  5 GLOBAL_MULTI… Glob… https://mdl… <list>  Level 4         <list> <named list> 
#>  6 GLOBAL_MULTI… Glob… https://mdl… <list>  Level 4         <list> <named list> 
#>  7 GLOBAL_MULTI… Glob… https://mdl… <list>  Level 4         <list> <named list> 
#>  8 GLOBAL_MULTI… Glob… https://mdl… <list>  Level 4         <list> <named list> 
#>  9 ARCTIC_ANALY… Arct… https://mdl… <list>  Level 4         <list> <named list> 
#> 10 ARCTIC_ANALY… Arct… https://mdl… <list>  Level 4         <list> <named list> 
#> # ℹ 267 more rows
#> # ℹ 10 more variables: vertLevels <int>, tempExtentBegin <chr>,
#> #   tempResolutions <list>, stacOrCswTbox <list>, mainVariables <list>,
#> #   `_isViewableOmi` <lgl>, numLayers <int>, thumbnailMeta <list>,
#> #   tempExtentEnd <chr>, omiFigureUrl <chr>

## Query a specific product:
cms_products_list(freeText = "GLOBAL_ANALYSISFORECAST_PHY_001_024")
#> # A tibble: 1 × 15
#>   product_id      title thumbnailUrl sources processingLevel areas geoResolution
#>   <chr>           <chr> <chr>        <chr>   <chr>           <chr> <list>       
#> 1 GLOBAL_ANALYSI… Glob… https://mdl… Numeri… Level 4         Glob… <named list> 
#> # ℹ 8 more variables: vertLevels <int>, tempExtentBegin <chr>,
#> #   tempResolutions <list>, stacOrCswTbox <list>, mainVariables <list>,
#> #   `_isViewableOmi` <lgl>, numLayers <int>, thumbnailMeta <list>
# }