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This function removes an entry (file or directory) from a virtual ADF device. At the moment this function only removes a single entry per call, and in case the entry is a directory, the directory needs to be empty before it can be removed.


remove_adf_entry(x, virtual_path, flush = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for class 'adf_device'
remove_adf_entry(x, virtual_path, flush = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for class 'virtual_path'
remove_adf_entry(x, virtual_path, flush = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for class 'character'
remove_adf_entry.adf_device(x, virtual_path, flush = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for class 'virtual_path'
remove_adf_entry.adf_device(x, virtual_path, flush = FALSE, ...)



The virtual ADF device from which an entry needs to be deleted or a virtual path pointing at the entry to be deleted. In case of a virtual device, it should be of class adf_device which can be created with create_adf_device() or connect_adf(). In case of a virtual path use virtual_path().


A character string or a virtual_path (see virtual_path()) representing a file or directory you wish to delete. Should be omitted when x is alreade a virtual path.


A logical value. When set to FALSE (default), only the entry's registry in its parent directory is removed and its flags in the bitmap block are set to 'available'. The entry's header data and if the entry is a file, the file data will still linger on the virtual disk. If you don't want that, set this argument to TRUE, in that case all file or directory data will be purged. Note that in the latter case, it won't be possible to recover your deleted file or directory.




Returns the device connection


Pepijn de Vries


## We first need a writable connection to an ADF device.
## For this purpose we decompress the ADZ file that comes
## with this package and open a connection

adz_file <- system.file("example.adz", package = "adfExplorer2")
adf_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".adf")
decompress_adz(adz_file, adf_file)
my_device <- connect_adf(adf_file, write_protected = FALSE)

## List files in directory 'Devs':
list_adf_entries(my_device, "Devs")
#> FILE DEWR----   0.2 kB system-configuration

## remove the file 'system-configuration' from the virtual device
remove_adf_entry(my_device, "devs/system-configuration")
#> Bootable DOS Floppy DD
#>   Volume 0 [---]: adfExampleOFS (2.0%)

## List files in directory 'Devs' again:
list_adf_entries(my_device, "Devs")
#> :EMPTY:

## close the connection to the virtual device