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These functions help you to create an empty virtual device that can be used in Commodore Amiga emulation. create_adf_device() simply creates a file of the proper size (the file size represents the device capacity) and fills it with raw zeros. In order to use the device in the Amiga operating system, a file system needs to be installed on the device. This can be achieved with prepare_adf_device(). Note that the file system itself will also consume disk space on the virtual device.


create_adf_device(destination, type = "DD", ..., connect = TRUE)

  name = "EMPTY",
  ffs = TRUE,
  international = TRUE,
  dircache = FALSE,
  bootable = TRUE,

# S3 method for class 'adf_device'
  name = "EMPTY",
  ffs = TRUE,
  international = TRUE,
  dircache = FALSE,
  bootable = TRUE,



File path where the virtual device needs to be stored.


Specify the type of virtual device you wish to create. Should be one of "DD" (double density floppy disk) or "HD" (high density floppy disk).


Ignored for prepare_adf_device().


A logical value. If set to TRUE a connection is opened to the newly created virtual device and is returned as a adf_device class object. If it is set to FALSE, the file is just created and no connection is opened. In the latter case NULL is returned invisibly.


The virtual adf device for which information needs to be obtained. It should be of class adf_device which can be created with create_adf_device() or connect_adf().


A character string specifying the disk name for the volume on the virtual device. It will be truncated automatically when too long.


A logical value indicating which file system to be used. If TRUE the 'Fast File System' (FFS) is used, when FALSE, the 'Old File System' is used. See also vignette("file_system_modes").


A logical value indicating whether the international mode should be used for file naming. See also vignette("file_system_modes").


A logical value indicating whether directory caching should be used. See also vignette("file_system_modes").


A logical value indicating whether you want to include executable code on the boot block. If set to TRUE minimal code will be added to the boot block. In an Amiga emulator, this code will load the Amiga Disk Operating System library and start the Amiga Command line interface (CLI). It will then run the startup sequence file from the disk (if available).

If set to FALSE no such code is added. In that case the file system will still be accessible by the Amiga operating system (if the file system mode is compatible). You just can't use the disk to start up a (virtual) Amiga machine.


Either an adf_device connection or NULL depending on the value of connect.


Pepijn de Vries


## Filepath to store the virtual device:
dest <- tempfile(fileext = ".adf")

## Create a blank unformated virtual device (a double density floppy disk):
my_device <- create_adf_device(dest, "DD", connect = TRUE, write_protected = FALSE)

#> Non-bootable unformatted Floppy DD

## Format the floppy and create a file system on the device:
prepare_adf_device(my_device, name = "foobar")
#> Bootable DOS Floppy DD
#>   Volume 0 [fi-]: foobar (0.2%)

#> Bootable DOS Floppy DD
#>   Volume 0 [fi-]: foobar (0.2%)

## don't forget to close the device connection after use: