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This file is provided to demonstrate the structure of an Interchange File Format and is used in several examples throughout this package.


See IFFChunk-class() and references for more information about the Interchange File Format.


The Interchange File Format stores information compartmentally in separate containers called 'chunks'. This file demonstrates how a bitmap image is stored in this format. In addition to the raw bitmap data, the file also contains meta-information on the bitmap dimensions, its colour palette and the display mode that should be used on an Amiga. See also interpretIFFChunk(), IFFChunk-class() and the example for bitmapToRaster().


filename <- system.file("ilbm8lores.iff", package = "AmigaFFH")
example.iff <- read.iff(filename)

## show the structure of the IFF file:
#> - FORM
#>   - ILBM
#>     - BMHD
#>     - CMAP
#>     - CAMG
#>     - BODY