AmigaFFH v0.4.5 (Release date: 2024-02-28)
- Added README
- Switched to markdown documentation with
- Added
AmigaFFH v0.4.3 (Release date: 2023-08-26)
CRAN release: 2023-08-27
- Fixed link in documentation in order to pass CRAN checks
AmigaFFH v0.4.2 (Release date: 2023-08-22)
CRAN release: 2023-08-22
- Updates in order to compy with latest CRAN policies and
AmigaFFH v0.4.1 (Release date: 2021-09-03)
CRAN release: 2021-09-03
- Updated URLs in manual conform CRAN policy
AmigaFFH v0.4.0 (Release date: 2021-09-01)
Fixed bug in Amiga Icon implementation
Added support for Amiga Basic files
Minor corrections and updates to the manual.
AmigaFFH v0.3.1 (Release date: 2019-04-31)
CRAN release: 2019-03-31
- Resubmission to CRAN due to offline URL references in documentation
AmigaFFH v0.3.0 (Release date: 2019-03-30)
Added support for Amiga Bitmap fonts
Added support for interpretation and creation of HAM6 and HAM8 mode (special modes on the Amiga) bitmap images.
Added support for directly reading files from and writing files to amigaDisk class objects (from the adfExplorer package).
Modified ‘simpleSysConfig’ such that specific settings can be passed as arguments
Fixed bug in viewportmode checks
Corrected replace functions for SysConfig objects
Suppressed unnecessary warnings in the as.raw.AmigaIcon function
Minor corrections to the manual
AmigaFFH v0.2.0 (Release date: 2019-01-27)
CRAN release: 2019-01-27
Added support for Amiga Workbench Icons (*.info)
Added support for the Amiga’s system-configuration file
Added rasterToHWSprite function
Changed ‘as.raster’ from S4 method to S3 function for more flexibility.
‘rasterToBitmap’ did not decode continuous bitmaps correctly. This has been fixed. Fortunately the Amiga mostly uses interleaved bitmaps anyway.
Added constrains to error distribution in dither method of ‘index.colours’. Without these constrains errors could accumulate for certain images and cause undesirable results.
Fixed transparency detection in ‘index.colour’ function
Bug-fix in the interpretation of IFF ANIM frames
Moved ProTrackR and adfExplorer from ‘Depends’ to ‘Suggests’ to avoid circular dependancy
Several minor corrections to the manual