AmigaFFH v0.4.7
- Fixed broken
dependency - Manual and examples updated conform CRAN policies
AmigaFFH v0.4.5
CRAN release: 2024-02-29
- Added README
- Switched to markdown documentation with
- Added
AmigaFFH v0.4.2
CRAN release: 2023-08-22
- Updates in order to compy with latest CRAN policies and
AmigaFFH v0.4.0
- Fixed bug in Amiga Icon implementation
- Added support for Amiga Basic files
- Minor corrections and updates to the manual.
AmigaFFH v0.3.1
CRAN release: 2019-03-31
- Resubmission to CRAN due to offline URL references in documentation
AmigaFFH v0.3.0
- Added support for Amiga Bitmap fonts
- Added support for interpretation and creation of HAM6 and HAM8 mode (special modes on the Amiga) bitmap images.
- Added support for directly reading files from and writing files to amigaDisk class objects (from the adfExplorer package).
- Modified ‘simpleSysConfig’ such that specific settings can be passed as arguments
- Fixed bug in viewportmode checks
- Corrected replace functions for SysConfig objects
- Suppressed unnecessary warnings in the as.raw.AmigaIcon function
- Minor corrections to the manual
AmigaFFH v0.2.0
CRAN release: 2019-01-27
- Added support for Amiga Workbench Icons (*.info)
- Added support for the Amiga’s system-configuration file
- Added rasterToHWSprite function
- Changed ‘as.raster’ from S4 method to S3 function for more flexibility.
- ‘rasterToBitmap’ did not decode continuous bitmaps correctly. This has been fixed. Fortunately the Amiga mostly uses interleaved bitmaps anyway.
- Added constrains to error distribution in dither method of ‘index.colours’. Without these constrains errors could accumulate for certain images and cause undesirable results.
- Fixed transparency detection in ‘index.colour’ function
- Bug-fix in the interpretation of IFF ANIM frames
- Moved ProTrackR and adfExplorer from ‘Depends’ to ‘Suggests’ to avoid circular dependancy
- Several minor corrections to the manual