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Use a PTPattern or PTBlock to create a pattern table with a MODPlug flavour.


PTPatternToMODPlug(x, to.clipboard = TRUE)



Either a PTPattern object or a PTBlock object from which an Open MODPlug Tracker pattern should be created.


A logical value, indicating whether the result should be copied to the system's clipboard (TRUE) or should be returned as a vector of characters (FALSE). Note that copying to clipboard only works on Windows machines


Returns an invisible NULL when argument to.clipboard is set to TRUE. Returns an Open MODPlug Tracker flavoured pattern table as a vector of characters when it is set to FALSE.


The Open MODPlug Tracker ( is a modern music tracker that is for free. It too can handle ProTracker modules. This function assists in moving pattern data from R to Open MPT.


Pepijn de Vries


## get some pattern data

pattern <- PTPattern(mod.intro, 1)

## Now create a MODPlug pattern from this.
## The result is placed on the system clipboard.
## You can check by pasting it into a text
## editor, or better yet, the MODPlug Tracker.

if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {

## If you want to handle the pattern data
## in R:

patModPlug <- PTPatternToMODPlug(pattern, FALSE)

## We can do the same with a block:

block <- PTBlock(pattern, 1:10, 2:3)
PTPatternToMODPlug(block, FALSE)
#>  [1] "ModPlug Tracker MOD"      "|C-602...C40|A#403...F06"
#>  [3] "|C-602...C30|........A01" "|C-602......|........A01"
#>  [5] "|C-602......|........A02" "|C-602......|........120"
#>  [7] "|A#504...C08|........A02" "|C-602......|........220"
#>  [9] "|A#504...C08|........A01" "|C-602......|........A01"
#> [11] "|A#604...C08|........A01"